I had a good cry this morning with Shraddhan on our daily call.
- callous on my right foot despite wearing sandals
- long-ass walk yesterday 6 hours through the hills after 2 hours on the highway
- crying last night because I could not figure out how to put together my futon
- sandals ripping almost apart yesterday
- not able to find the photo I took yesterday
- not getting the photo I wanted (and basically too late to go back)
- camera could not use 32GB card
- and it’s raining today
Plan for yesterday was
- Day Thirteen
(Wednesday April 28th *)
1 part:
Walk 14km, From Sports Inn Fujiya To Family House Akashiya (217km walked so far)
Will use:
Will not use:
Notice the tunnels on Highway 17 (Mikuni Highway), south of Obansanja Shrine. Along 17, I will take a trail starting here, hike around the tunnels, past Obansanja Shrine, and finish the trail here.
You may notice there is another tunnel looking thing, but it has a sidewalk next to it.