21 Apr 2021, 12:37

construction zone featuring no sidewalk

I came up to a section where the sidewalk was missing…

2021 apr 20 missing sidewalk

And I was able to make my way through it even with the construction worker guys there.

I didn’t get a picture of that, but I did get to discover just how hot fresh poured asphalt can be.

Also got a chance to take a picture of François on rabbit shaped barrier holders.

2021 apr 20 François on rabbit shaped barrier holder

And then the most amazing thing is finding this new manhole cover it hasn’t even had its plastic taken off yet…

2021 apr 20 new manhole cover

Here it is in context with the sidewalk ripped out around it

2021 apr 20 manhole cover placed before sidewalk

Francois found the sidewalk!

2021 apr 21 1519 francois on asphalt pile