Challenge your spirit. Touch the earth. Connect with natural energy.
Barefoot walking Experience cooled by rain
Let’s enjoy cooler weather!
When gather at 11:45; enter Yoyogi Park at noon Saturday, September 4th 2021
Where Yoyogi Park by the clock near Harajuku entrance
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Details Enjoy Nature
Yoyogi Park has lots of big beautiful trees surrounding its large grassy field.
We will use the trees for shade if the asphalt is too hot.
When 7pm ~ 8:30pm JST Thursday 26 August 2021
Where Zoom register
Details This week we upgrade your self-conception as a GENERATOR of JOY no matter what arises.
(Image by Mariya πΈπ₯π»ππ·πΉππΌ)
About Weekly Alignments Weekly Alignments offer tools to get you present with your Self in the now.
Weekly Alignments include a lot of channeled material coming from Source as I receive it in realtime, depending on questions and comments from the attendees present.
When 7pm ~ 8:30pm JST Thursday 19 August 2021
Where Zoom register
Details Ever wondered why they call it “a good cry?” Find the joy in living, even within our darkest challenges.
(image credit: Karen Nadine)
About Weekly Alignments Weekly Alignments offer tools to get you present with your Self in the now.
Weekly Alignments include a lot of channeled material coming from Source as I receive it in realtime, depending on questions and comments from the attendees present.
Thanks to everyone for joining! Click here for photos! Refresh your spirit. Touch the earth. Connect with nature.
Meditative Walking Experience:
Meditation, walking, breathing, enjoying morning summer air.
When gather at 09:45; leave Mukogaoka-Yuen Station (εγΆδΈιει§
) at 10am Saturday, August 14th, 2021
Where Mukogaoka-Yuen Station (εγΆδΈιει§
) outside Odakyu Store near South entrance ///welcome.contain.overnight
To receive the latest updates, join our LINE group!
Details Enjoy Nature
Ikuta Ryokuchi Park is the largest natural environment in Kawasaki.
When 7pm ~ 8:30pm JST Thursday 12 August 2021
Where Zoom register
Details This week we develop and expand our ability to feel and enjoy BEING alive, instead of seeking joy externally.
(Image by Free-Photos)
About Weekly Alignments Weekly Alignments offer tools to get you present with your Self in the now.
Weekly Alignments include a lot of channeled material coming from Source as I receive it in realtime, depending on questions and comments from the attendees present.
When 7pm ~ 8:30pm JST Thursday 05 August 2021
Where Zoom register
Details This week we feel joy in our physical bodies, welcoming joy from within.
(Image credit Gerd Altmann)
About Weekly Alignments Weekly Alignments offer tools to get you present with your Self in the now.
Weekly Alignments include a lot of channeled material coming from Source as I receive it in realtime, depending on questions and comments from the attendees present.
When 7pm ~ 8:30pm JST Thursday 29 July 2021
Where Zoom register
Details Without the inner warrior, the outer warrior will fall. How do you keep moving?
(Image by Meine Reise)
About Weekly Alignments Weekly Alignments offer tools to get you present with your Self in the now.
Weekly Alignments include a lot of channeled material coming from Source as I receive it in realtime, depending on questions and comments from the attendees present.
When 7pm ~ 8:30pm JST Thursday 22 July 2021
Where Zoom register
Details Warriors are not just soldiers. Discover your action in the world.
(Image by Stefan Meller)
About Weekly Alignments Weekly Alignments offer tools to get you present with your Self in the now.
Weekly Alignments include a lot of channeled material coming from Source as I receive it in realtime, depending on questions and comments from the attendees present.
(image credit: Rinko Hayashi) We had a great time!
When 11:45am Friday 16 July 2021
Where Meet in Shin Yurigaoka between KFC, MUFG, and Dean and Deluca 35Β°36'13.3"N 139Β°30'29.5"E
Meet by the mailboxes:
To receive the latest updates, join our LINE group!
Details Enjoy Nature
Manpukuji Hayama Park has lots of big beautiful trees and benches for sitting.
Enjoy Breathing
Get away from it all by settling into your being and noticing the motions of your body, one breath and one step at a time.
When 7pm ~ 8:30pm JST each Thursday
Where Zoom register
Details June is the month for Joy! Explore the ways you experience Joy, and reconnect with the fundamental Joy of being in a body on this Earth.
About Weekly Alignments Weekly Alignments offer tools to get you present with your Self in the now.
Weekly Alignments include a lot of channeled material coming from Source as I receive it in realtime, depending on questions and comments from the attendees present.