6pm Wednesday 29 November 2023
By Jess X Goh:
Transform your identity around money and upgrade your life
Have you ever experienced financial breakdown in your upbringing and in your adult life?
Did you take on financial responsibility to support your family as a teenager or in your twenties?
Are you either a workaholic, a high achiever or a burnt out business owner who struggles to create spaciousness and needs to be busy all the time to prove your productivity, performance and prosperity?
👉 If you said yes to any of the above, this free webinar is just for you. 👈
- When: Wednesday 29th November 2023
- Time: 18:00 - 20:00
- Where: Zoom register here
I personally know what it’s like to be brought up by a hoarding and overspending mother with a gambling father labourously slaving away selling hardware tools in the markets and managing a warehouse, which led me to pay for their mortgage until my dad passed away from a heartache. This led me to rehash my parents' lives into my twenties through a failed retail business, struggle to cope with having 2 positive cashflow investment properties at 26 and self-sabotage them because I was spiritually bankrupt. I took my chances from ego, fear and desperation to rescue my mother.I had no real sense of my self-worth or who I was to be able to keep and accumulate financial abundance. Instead, I would give it away because that’s how I was trained by my mum. I had no real education or wisdom (especially not from my parents) around how to heal my money trauma and have a real relationship with prosperity.
11 years later, I now operate an international trauma recovery business that enriches my heart and soul. I get to travel interstate and overseas to share my work (and meet my soulmate) and live in my current dream destination.
This is all because I choose to be spiritually rich, not materially rich, to create my own version of a rich life that doesn’t follow the status quo of the matrix. Prosperity is more than what’s in your bank account and your investment portfolio, it’s an energetic alignment with your spirit to create the life you want on your terms and how to successfully move forward through energy flow as your cash flow.
Are you ready to heal and transform your identity with money?
Join me for my free live 2 hour webinar on how to unblock your money traumas from your childhood upbringing and societal conditioning as you receive downloads and insights into toxic patterns and fears around money and what to do about it.
Here’s what you’ll learn…
Why money isn’t what you think it is and how the matrix has capped your innate abundance of wealth, spiritually and financially
How your childhood traumas impact your relationship with money and materialism as the hoarder, gambler, overspender, under earner and risk taker
Experience my light language transmission, high frequencies and guided quantum meditation to start clearing energetic and emotional blockages with your money trauma, Q&A, sacred shares and an invitation to my 4 month money mastermind called Divine Prosperity to transform your identity around money, upgrade your wealth consciousness and uplevel your energetic field for abundance to ripple in all areas of your life. This is for 5 spiritual high achievers only!
Access to the replay for the next 48 hours after the webinar is over (and yes, you can share it with your loved ones who are in need of this or share this email for them to register to attend live or access the replay)
About Your Host
Jess X Goh helps highly driven, burnt out
professionals to overcome the impacts of childhood abuse. What has led Jess to her
spiritual path was her experiences from domestic violence, sexual abuse and bullying and
has successfully come out of it the other side.
She is the soul founder of
Life In Confidence, an international holistic trauma
recovery practice that has been running for 8 years serving 1000+ clients. Jess is a
regular spiritual speaker at wellness festivals and featured in wellbeing podcasts and
has rebuilt a functional and compassionate relationship with her traumatised mother and
estranged brother.
🙏 Learn more: https://www.lifeinconfidence.com
🌺 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Life-In-Confidence