gather at 13:30; enter Shin Yuri Art Park at 14:00 Saturday 04 November 2023
Walk barefoot on Japan’s Number 1 Grassy Field!
Refresh your spirit. Touch the earth. Connect with nature. Connect with friends.
Barefoot Walking Experience at Shinyuri Art Parks
Barefoot walking, breathing, enjoying fresh air and a lovely grassy field.
Every First Saturday of the month
First Meeting Point
Saturday 04 November 2023, 13:30
Shin Yurigaoka between KFC, MUFG, and Dean and Deluca: 35°36'13.3"N 139°30'29.5"E
Second Meeting Point is Shin Yuri Art Park
Saturday 04 November 2023, 14:00
Shinyuri Art Parks
To receive the latest updates, join our LINE group!
Enjoy Grass
Shinyuri Art Parks features an immaculate large grassy field.
Enjoy Breathing
Get away from it all by settling into your being and noticing the motions of your body, one breath and one step at a time.
Enjoy Community
Find like-minded others who enjoy walking barefoot!
What to Expect
- The event is on, rain or shine.
- We’ll walk from Shin Yurigaoka station starting 13:45
- Feel free to join at Shinyuri Art Parks by 14:00.
- Take off your shoes in the park; connect with mother earth!
- Meet friends, enjoy chatting, connecting
To receive the latest updates, join our LINE group!
500 yen
What to bring
Whatever you need to take care of yourself. Come wearing lightweight shoes which you can take off at the grassy field.
Self care is important, so wear shoes whenever you need to!