7pm JST Monday 08 February 2021
7pm JST Monday 8 February 2021
Zoom (register)
This week in our Men’s Mastermind Group we’ll be looking at our ‘TRUTH’ and our truth in relation to our Calling.
In order to move through life in a more clean and clear way, they’re are times we have to state hard truths to people in our lives .. and sometimes to our selves.
fortunately we don’t always have to SAY our truths in a harsh manner.
We have choices for how we speak our truths.
We can speak our truths as if with a sword or as gently as a feather - depending on whom we are speaking to - and how they are able to hear us.
does this truth resonate with you?
– how do we – or do we not - speak our truths to ourselves?
Remember – we each have MANY internal voices - and we can choose how to express these to others as well as speak to ourselves –
there may be inner voices masquerading as truth that no longer serve us … or may never have been true in the first place.
how do you distinguish these truths and non truths when they appear?
join us as we explore our truths and how to express them cleanly to others
tomorrow night February 8th at 7pm Japan time