From you will be quite nice as well. Okay, so first of all, just maybe just explain what are you going to be, you know, what do you plan to do with a walk? And also kind of your, you know, your objectives as well. What do you plan? What How did this come about those kind of things?
Yeah, well, thank you. It’s, it’s been coming over a long time. The long version is that I have been adding different important components of my life together. And they’ve suddenly not suddenly, but they’ve woven together into this walk. And that includes Mankind Project, it’s like, self care in general, the concept of being present with one’s emotions, and in terms of like, knowing who I am as a person, you know, for for any given person reducing stress and suicide rate in, in Japan, and now other the whole world is having problems with that. And walking barefoot, which I love to walk barefoot, and that’s been a thing for 10s of years, 20 years for me. And most recently, I guess, is joining an organization called Bold Life Brotherhood. And a man asked me, What was my bold action to take in the world? And how I just I kind of uncovered this old joke that I had said to my wife, who wanted me to get a driver’s license is like I can walk the Niigata don’t need a license. And that’s to hide my shame that I don’t have a license anymore in Japan. But that joke comment turned into like, hang on, could I walk to Niigata and some years ago, I actually had shirts made it says like, he made that and he got them out MADI araku hace de and it’s just this crazy idea that in it, like walking barefoot helps me be in the present moment helped me be in touch my body gets me moving and out and about connects me to Earth connects me to the earth that to myself, Earth and myself. In all of those are like ways to reduce stress switches like therefore ways to reduce suicide and therefore do self care. And so it is just like, Huh, how amazing is that? I started it because I like to be barefoot. And who knew, but it has benefits that are beyond just like it feels good. I mean, I’m connected to here now present moment by being barefoot.
So you connected to the earth rather than connecting to all sorts of other other stresses in social media and stuff? Yeah, yeah. Right. Okay, excellent. I mean, that that kind of answered. The other question that I had was how it connects to suicide prevention. Yeah. So you you see that the benefits on it this is that Yeah.
Right. And so I I took a course of quitted a question persuade return course, and some different ones to talk about the suicide. People, I don’t know if I should disappear. It should be an interview. But people are ruminating in this expanding around in circles. So coming to the present moment, is one of the key ways noticing what’s here right now. And that’s a key way to help, pass, go go through the feel get beyond the feeling of like, I want this pain to end. And so I’m not sure how much it’s good to like talk about how to get on it. I’m no like, doctor or suicide expert or they should call the lifeline. But I happen to know that your meditations like in our men’s group, wow. I feel a lot better after that. Ground ups is a that’s why we do it. Kind of Yeah, yeah, that applies, you know, to, to all humans as best I can.
Okay, excellent. So you know, since about, I mean, it’s, you know, you obviously you don’t because he’s an expert in it, but that is something that you, you know, it could be one way in which, you know, people could sort of become becoming more present could be one way of preventing. Yeah. Okay, great. Let’s just get some specific stuff. So just just just describe a little bit about, you know, the kind of practicalities, the routes, what what do you really try to take? And are there any events that you tend to hold, you know, while you’re doing the, during the course of it, that kind of thing.
At this point, I have, like, in detail plotted out the first 11 or 12 days of the of the trip, I basically gotten my on the map, I’m using Google Maps, I’ve got myself well into the mountains. And though the weather is lovely here, that will get lovely, or apparently it’s still going to be snowing. So I’ve started describing it like, I’m going to start on April 16, I will start walking barefoot across Japan, which is true. But if we get to see if I get to snow, I’m gonna put on the shoes, and I’ll be barefoot Rob wearing shoes going through the snow to continue the journey. But the trickiest thing has been to find on our route, nicely spaced places I can stay that’s like, Oh, my God so long. And here’s I don’t have a lot of leeway of like, oh, drive 20 minutes over there. No, it’s not me. That’s the entire day worth of walking,
Yeah. So So yes, you need to you’re still planning, you’re planning.
You’re planning. Even right now I can show your share screen in the mountains.
So if anybody wants to take you in and show you wouldn’t say no to. Yeah, I’m
open to that possibility as I as I described. But at the same time, I need. I want to continue the pace because I’ve made reservations. That’s right. Yeah. Yeah, life is along the way. And so you can maybe my next walk, I’ll leave it open to the universe.
Okay, when my wife would love that, yeah. Well, I say spontaneity is great. As long as it’s well planned.
Okay. All right. So I think I think we’ve done and then. Yeah, just, I was gonna ask you, so you’re so you, obviously, you’re trying to find a walk. And you’re also hoping to raise anything over and above your expenses? It will be? Yeah. We’ll be sent to take your English Lifeline, right. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right. Okay, I think that’s about it. If you have any other any comments, or anything that you’d like to add, or
are you asked about events, I do have two events. Well, one that I really want to talk about, on the star team morning, Yokohama to coast to coast. I will do a walking meditation from 9am in rinko Park in Yokohama. So that means like, for about an hour, we’ll just mindfully notice what it’s like to walk or even to stand. There’s a lot of muscles that are happening, right activated to stay on balances, there’s wind and all this. We never even think about it normally. So it’s just a moment to get really in touch with the magic that is this the human bodies that we inhabit.
Hmm. And
so I’ve been leading walking meditations, since every month since November. And before that I had before I’ve been doing some walks, but not walking meditation. Anyways, the that’s the kickoff event is a walking meditation. I can walk to my house and sleep in my house. Think about my life choices and the next day continue on the rest of the way to connect.
And then if you plan it, so as I understand you plan to do about 15 Kay’s a day is that
yes, yeah, roughly. Some are like More I haven’t, since I’ve had to kind of re negotiate to the locations to account for like what’s possible to do. I haven’t completely checked all of them. That’s around 18 1518.
Yeah, yeah. Right. So looking around about three to four hours, I’m guessing.
Yeah. Like a couple hours to get lunch and a couple hours.
Yeah, yeah. Okay. Well, so yes. That’s going to be quite an adventure he shot. Yeah, yeah. I think I think that’s, I think I’ve got all the domain. Okay. Um, yeah, let me just a quick thing about your I mean, you have been on TV a couple of times. Just want to get a bit of information on one. What
happened a couple of times. You’re right. Yeah.
Yeah. Did you get a lot of publicity from that? I mean, did you? Yes. Yeah. I’m sorry. Yeah.
They predicted I’d be I would be famous for a while. Oh, well, you’re on TV and people would recognize me.
Okay, excellent. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Thank you. I mean, that that is something that could be useful to kind of include the AI in any, any sort of release, you know, so that people are reminded that they have a Wii U or something like that. Yeah. Okay. All right. Okay. Um, so you say you’re recording this, right. So yes, yeah. And you’re gonna give a get a transcript? Yeah. Okay. Excellent. And then we can work. I can work from that. Yes. Yeah. Great. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
If it’s okay, do you have time for a second?
Just Just wait, just one second. Oh, my battery’s a bit low as well. So
I can continue the recording. Yeah. Tell you. Yeah.
Off you go.
Okay. So,
yeah, I’m okay.
So the I, on my website, Rob Nugen, calm, I am laying out in detail each day, each segment of the day. And that’s intended that if people want to come like, walk with me for a segment, only welcome. I can’t take care. Like, you’re buying people’s hotels, that night kind of thing. But if people want to, like, take, take care of themselves, but join me for a segment on that.
That’s wonderful. Yeah. Is it somewhere where people can follow you as well, like, trace you like, see what Yeah,
I’m likely to livestream on Instagram and read it. And if I can sort it out on YouTube as well. But I need to I need 1000 followers on YouTube before I can do that.
Okay. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Okay. All right. Okay, good. Great. So that’s, that’s also Yeah, that’s something else to kind of just I think that’s important information. Yeah. Yeah.
That’s on my site as well. Yeah.
Yeah. Okay. Excellent. Yeah. So we can Yeah, I’ll try to put something together. Yeah. Okay. Excellent. All the best. Yeah. Yeah. Excellent. You too. Okay. All the best. Bye bye.