10 Sep 2022, 08:45

2121 God Perfects Nature

I pray for God’s guidance.

I learned this year: “God perfects nature.”

I take it to mean we all have a natural way of being.
I’m naturally barefoot, usually optimistic, and a few other good things.
Naturally, I’m also a few other “bad” things. Naturally.

At my request, God perfects my natural skills and gifts.
God lessons my less useful things.
I have to let God in; I have free will to keep God’s meddling Ass out of my life.
I also have free will to let God’s perfect Guidance guide me.

We have free will. Maybe that was the “fall” of Adam and Eve. (I’m no biblical scholar.)

We have free will to do what we like, including let God into our hearts and to kinda take over the wheel of life.

It’s Step 4 (?) of 12-step programs.

In Gene Hart’s new book, Beyond Dreaming on page 14 of the free PDF I just read:

It has always been a great challenge for any author to accurately describe
spiritual dimensions that exist beyond time, space and conventional wisdom;
spoken human language is all but a vain attempt to describe the indescribable.

https://old.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/yu3vx2/my_astral_projection_book_beyond_dreaming_is_now/ https://youtu.be/OkhPITA2pU8