“Now what” can be taken to as fine detail as we like.
In any moment, we have choices. At each moment, how do we decide what to do?
personal mission
This could come from a personal mission. For example, I have a mission I developed for myself in ManKind Project.
I create a world of love and connection
by connecting and listening.
Actually this version just popped out of my mind. The second line of the previous one was like “by leading and facilitating”
Having a personal mission allows asking useful questions at any moment. e.g.
- “What action will move me toward my mission?”
- “Will this action move me toward or away from my mission?”
emotional body
Another way to choose what we do is by feeling our emotions. Generally I have found that my most effective actions are if I move toward excitement AND fear at the same time.
The excitement means it’s something I care about. The fear means I don’t know how it will turn out. Put those together and get go for it! I haven’t yet experienced times where this guided me poorly.
Oh, by the way, my broken shoulder wants me to mention that if the feeling body features tired or rushed or anxious, it may be good to SLOW DOWN.
This would make a great title for a book! ;-) Allowing your mind to control things is a great way to get muddled up in some mind stuff. Allowing your awareness to open to subtler energies can be a way to sense insights coming from a more loving realm.
Again, I’m talking about God here, or higher power. Maybe I’ll introduce a term I made: EPP, or Every Present Present. I’m not sure it applies here, but it just came to me, so there ya go.
I created the term EPP (not the thing it points to) when I created my own religion. That was while reading the book Shaving the Inside of your Skull by Mel Ash, who apparently got it from Timothy Leary:
This is the advice from Timothy Leary in The Politics of Ecstasy. He says that in order to make your own religion work you should “write down and define your: Goals, Roles, Rituals, Rules, Vocabulary, Values, Space-time Locales, Mythic Context. Develop your own rituals and costumes . . . You will eventually find yourself engaged in a series of sacred moments which feel right to you…”
Dang I ain’t typing the rest now, but it’s on page 173 of Mel Ash’s book.