22 Apr 2022, 18:46

1506 Day 21 - Ugh so tired and saw a rat snake


title: "Saw Missy's Green Japanese Ratsnake"

2021 may 06 François playing dead near ratsnake

Saw a rather large ratsnake I encountered before crossing Kariyata River (map). He was quite chill.

16:30 Monday 17 May 2021 JST

Rambling transcript of story:

Walking around the bend of a highway where the road was terribly rough. And I was wearing sandals because it was so rough. Just about to cross, I couldn’t even see the path where I was headed. And is I was like, I need to, I see the berm of a river. And I need to go over that hill. But I come in around this corner, I can’t see if there is actually a path there to go from this level around the left up to the bridge that’s crossing the river.

So I might have to go away back or I might have to I’m not going to go way back. Let me tell you that. But I might have to like drag or pick up my bag and carry it up this hill. And so just approaching and approaching and finally at the last minute, it’s like okay, there’s a path cool. And getting legs stepping up the path toward the toward the bridge that was there. over the river. Walking, walking, walking, just looking at my feet and my Oh, so tired. Hello. Hello snake. You’re beautiful.

Wow. It’s like Oh, hi snake. beautiful green rat snake. I didn’t know as a rat snake until after I posted a picture up on Reddit. But the answer quick and answer quickly came back. No, that’s a Japanese rat snake is a beautiful species but a beautiful specimen. I was able the rat snake was she was so chill. I was able to put François down in front of him take a picture. Pick François up start a video and then the snake was like I guess I guess we’re done here snake sorta snake and on by.

And I like I wanted to pick it up. And thought it would be more polite to just let it go on its way. And someone said on Reddit and to say just say pardon me when you pick it up. And I kind of sort of think that that’s right. I mean, if it’s an actual in my heart to excuse me, I would like to pick you up. I wonder if it’s okay, but I just had this, you know, kind of reverence for this animal.

And projecting today that it saw me as a giant animal. It was a big snake but I’m a lot bigger than that. And on Reddit, the guy was guessing is two meters long. I guessed it was 130 centimeters long. But yeah, it’s big snake looks pretty cool. In decent size.

So yeah, they’re just there was a cool snake and oh, and then my friend Missy texted me right after that. She’s like, Oh, I just had an amazing experience. And she was telling me about her experience. And so we decided that the snake was a messenger letting me know to contact her because she had just had a had an amazing experience. So that was neat. I put him on YouTube. I called it Missy’s green snake.


title: "Pictures from Day Twenty One"

Leaving the hotel this morning around 7am

2021 may 06 miauchi station

Two manhole covers with same design at different sizes. I may have posted a large size version somewhere.

2021 may 06 medium sized cover 2021 may 06 small cover same design

Bicycle wheel themed bicycle parking

2021 may 06 bicycle wheel themed bicycle parking

Went through a tunnel that apparently gets flooded at times.

2021 may 06 water flood depth indicators

Saw a turtle in a river

2021 may 06 red eared slider

turtle without zoom

2021 may 06 red eared slider way down there

Also saw an orange in a river

2021 may 06 orange you floating by

Curious loops on wires a I guess to keep birds off them

2021 may 06 no birds on these wires

Wow I was back there a few days ago..

2021 may 06 mountains still back there

Curious that these huge heavy plates are being held down by a backhoe

2021 may 06 make sure these dont blow away

Brand name

2021 may 06 corona logo on building


title: "Finished Day 21 in record time"

Before I started walking, Jason H described a simple 4 steps to adapting to any stressful situation. I think I am in the last stage now; I have just come to realize walking is my life. Nothing can be done to change it. Just walk walk walk.

I felt quite hot and tired by the end of today. Not a drop of rain in sight, and plenty of sun, so I am glad I put on sunscreen before I started out at 7am. I arrived at the hotel about 2:30pm, so 7.5 hours walking 17.5 kilometers (according to Google Maps)

2021 may 06 day 21 walk map

Walk 15km from 旅館 竹花屋 to Mitsuke English Garden