title: "Finished Walking Day 20"
It’s (according to my computer). To my feet and legs, it’s early on Walkday. My brain knows it is now Day 21, but this entry is about Day 20:
I did not take many pictures on Day 20, compared to other days. Photographs seem to happen more in the morning, but as I get tireder and tireder from walking, the pictures taper off as I’m like bah, who cares about seeing more flowers that are not really differentiatable from other pics I have taken.
Day 20 things:
- saw a two car train and tried to take a video but realized later I apparently did not hit record until after the train went by.
- saw species of little yellow flowers that I had not seen before
- talked to Brian in Corpus for about an hour while sharing stories of mapping. Very fun talking with him as we have similar senses of humor.
- “everything was going fine until I talked to those guys in Corpus”
- “here’s your diploma!” after walking through flowerbed on campus
- almost recorded Joetsu Line shinkansen, albiet far away
- Surprised to see Doge is up to 77 yen, and has gone up 11000% just in 2021.
- Installed Folding@Home and signed up for the Doge team https://www.dogecoinfah.com/doc/gettingstarted.html#getstarted on my laptop and on my Vultr server (pinning its CPU to 100% (up from 4% over the past years))
- Nearly weaned myself off aidungeon.io, helped by the response “The AI doesn’t know what to say. Alter, undo, or try again.”
- Walked across Shinano River with water pouring through Myokan Weir, a word I did not know the meaning.
Day 20 was:
- Day Twenty
(Wednesday May 5th *)
1 part:
Walk 13km, From Ojiya Park Hotel To 旅館 竹花屋 (310km walked so far)
title: 'feeling sad this morning'
location: 'geo:37.30778,138.79659;u=19.309999465942383'
I’m feeling quite sad this morning, possibly because the walk is coming to an end, combined with that I haven’t done a lot of the things that I thought I would do, for example interviews with locals using my audio recorder, or make updates on all the different platforms that I had planned to update, including the crowdfunding campaign site.
Oh, and I haven’t finished all the letters that I told people I would write.
And and there have been some contributions on the crowdfunding site where people have asked for letters or postcards but I can’t figure out how to download them to get those addresses so I’m not sure what to do there.
I was able to figure it out before but my tired brain just couldn’t do it this morning and then I forgot about it before I packed up my computer.
Also sad that my computer seems to have rejected the battery starting over a week ago. Well the computer reports the battery is at 100% it immediately shuts off immediately when I unplug the power adapter.
Fortunately, the computer itself has been working fine when it’s plugged in and I’ve used it to great success in keeping my website pretty much up to date.
The walk today is 15 km so significantly shorter than yesterday, though I’m starting 2 hours later than I did yesterday.
I have a call with my friend in Texas in 45 minutes and then session with a client tonight. It’s wonderful to be able to work while I’m traveling.
title: 'Amazing water flow at Myokan Weir'
Placid Shinanogawa
Something happening
Vids from Myokan Weir
https://youtu.be/4iMnI-2Ko_Y both sides of bridge
https://youtu.be/AQEsQno2yU4 both sides of thingie
https://youtu.be/t-U0HaStvyU slow motion angle
https://youtu.be/4Pj7W8lbBYU slow motion straight down
Fish stairs
title: 'favorite pudding at a dairy shop'
location: 'geo:37.39601,138.83878;u=87.5999984741211'
I was attracted by the restroom sign icon and then realized the shop sells my favorite pudding, so I am Chilling at a dairy shop with 3km left to walk today..