01 Dec 2021, 10:00

0130 Silence is the key

Standing in two boats, you go nowhere.

I’ve got about five important projects going now:

MT3, MKP, barefooting, confidential listening, and AB.

Oh, and writing this book.

None of them are coming along particularly quickly, but all of them are coming along.

I recently decided to focus more on the ones that I would do for free: walking barefoot and confidential listening.

Walking barefoot is well within my genius zone. Confidential listening is my expertise and passion, but probably not my genius zone, at least not completely.

Alan Watts said at least once and maybe multiple times that when we send children to school they are being raised by children and they tend to want childish things like fashionable clothes or what have you.

I’m writing now to recommend that you listen to the inner voice more often than the outer voices.

That is the quiet inner voice not the loud ruminating voices.

The prerequisite of mental work is the ability
to retain silence of self at a steady state
when required by the self.
The mind must be opened like a door.
The key is silence.

- Ra


In a recent Vitamin JR meeting, my friend Jeremy Weikel said

Instead of the rush of "gotta get it done now"
Slow down and let it percolate.  
"maybe a little of this.    maybe a little of that"

A month later, he said,

Thank you for reminding me of the importance of
slowing down and feeling how I'm feeling everything

Q. How do you clean water?

A. Pour it on top of a mountain.

It takes time to process each molecule as they filter down through the layers of earth and emerge as a spring.

From UA fellow Jon:

Paradoxically, slowing down is the fastest way
for me to get to my destination.

When I'm mad at someone, I'm actually mad at myself.

When I finally listen to myself and allow life to take time,
I feel calmer and succeed more easily.

From UA fellow Alin M

Don't just do something, sit there.