10 Nov 2021, 17:12

I was afraid to be a man

I was afraid to be a man.

In 1997, I attended ManKind Project’s New Warrior Training Adventure in Texas. That was the start of my personal growth.

At age 27, I still thought of myself as a boy. I did not want to grow up. I didn’t want the responsibility. Or the conflict.

I had seen adults in my life always unhappy in various ways, especially in relationships.

I realized I needed a community where I could feel heard.

Since then, 2 things have happened:

I moved to Japan and subsequently started a peer counseling group for men who share about their struggles.

While attending the group, I have seen men move from…

🔻 Being unable to leave the house →🟢 Feeling in control of life, working full time, and proud to be able to take care of his family again.

🔻 Unable to cope in the darkness of depression →🟢 Functioning on their highest level
🔻 Shame-induced suicidal ideations → 🟢 Living courageously again.
But I didn’t expect this…

Women have started to ask if there’s a group they can join.

People began asking me, “Rob, I want to do it, but my partner isn’t interested.”

“How do I get them to understand? … to really hear me?”

I didn’t have a good answer or easily accessible resources for that.

But now I’m putting together a training on exactly that. Soon I’ll be doing a mini workshop

“How to have one clear and safe conversation to feel heard & get what you need. Without drama.”

All the details are coming next week!

Email me, call me, find me if you think you’d like to attend.