18 Nov 2020, 09:23

Weekly Alignment Testimonials
It was really interesting. I was really able to pin point a moment
when I was hurt by my dad. It also explains why I have been
craving his validation for most of my life. My mind is kind of
blown right now.

2020 nov 05 testimonial after healing inner child

I watched it with my new friend. We started to cry during your
guided meditation.  It was a beautiful moment for us. Because of
your session, we could easily allow each other to be
vulnerable. We ended up hugging, crying and sharing how we can
support each other to integrate another version of ourselves - who
have all the deepest desires met - into our current lives.  Thank
you for unlocking another way to liberate myself, also introducing
a way to deeply connect with /understand people I care for.
- Miyako Ando

2020 nov 13 testimonial after find life purpose