It’s now nearly 4am Thursday 6 May 2021 (according to my computer). To my feet and legs, it’s early on Walkday. My brain knows it is now Day 21, but this entry is about Day 20:
I did not take many pictures on Day 20, compared to other days. Photographs seem to happen more in the morning, but as I get tireder and tireder from walking, the pictures taper off as I’m like bah, who cares about seeing more flowers that are not really differentiatable from other pics I have taken.
Day 20 things:
- saw a two car train and tried to take a video but realized later I apparently did not hit record until after the train went by.
- saw species of little yellow flowers that I had not seen before
- talked to Brian in Corpus for about an hour while sharing stories of mapping. Very fun talking with him as we have similar senses of humor.
- “everything was going fine until I talked to those guys in Corpus”
- “here’s your diploma!” after walking through flowerbed on campus
- almost recorded Joetsu Line shinkansen, albiet far away
- Surprised to see Doge is up to 77 yen, and has gone up 11000% just in 2021.
- Installed Folding@Home and signed up for the Doge team on my laptop and on my Vultr server (pinning its CPU to 100% (up from 4% over the past years))
- Nearly weaned myself off, helped by the response “The AI doesn’t know what to say. Alter, undo, or try again.”
- Walked across Shinano River with water pouring through Myokan Weir, a word I did not know the meaning.
Day 20 was:
- Day Twenty
(Wednesday May 5th *)
1 part:
Walk 13km, From Ojiya Park Hotel To 旅館 竹花屋 (310km walked so far)