18 Apr 2021, 22:27

Afternoon and Evening from 18 April

2021 apr 18 François ignoring lake tama

After this cute picture, 3 hours of painful walking on super incredibly rough asphalt.

It took 3 hours to walk the final 3 - 4 km tonight, about 40 minutes of which was streamed on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CNzWG5aHelC/

It was quite dark in some sections, and I looked for my headlamp but could not work out where it was. I wore sandals for about 300 meters near the end of the 3km because it got dark and dangerous and I couldn’t see what I was stepping on. I took shoes off again once I got to an area with lights.

In other news, I lost the lens cap of my new camera. Any camera shops near here? Mark is going to try to source a replacement.

2021 apr 18 omg finally made it

Here is the original plan for Day 3:

Walk 3km Hotel Chūō-kan to Musashi Kokubunji Park

Walk 3km Musashi Kokubunji Park to Pizza-La Hitotsubashi Gakuen

Including ~1 hour at the Sewerage Museum

Walk 4km Pizza-La Hitotsubashi Gakuen to Higashimurayama Shiritsu Fujimi Community Center

  1. Meet at 2pm at 東村山市立富士見公民館 (Higashimurayama Shiritsu Fujimi Community Center), close to 八坂駅 (Yasaka Station)
  2. 2:15pm - 3pm Walking Meditation Event in 東村山中央公園 (Higashimurayama Chuo Park)
  3. 3pm - 3:30pm walk to Toilet 5 in 都立狭山公園 (Sayama Park) (nearish 武蔵大和駅 (Musashi-Yamato Station))
  4. 3:45pm - walk mindfully to Toilet 2 in 都立狭山公園 (Sayama Park)
  5. go play at Seibuen Amusement Park (if it is open!)
  6. 5:30pm - 6:30pm Walking Meditation Event for 3.8km along Lake Tama to 西武球場前駅 (Seibukyujo-mae Station)

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Walk 9km Higashimurayama Shiritsu Fujimi Community Center to Hotel Restay