20 Jan 2025, 06:10

Highlights of The Root ceremony (cleaned up by ChatGPT)

Here’s the cleaned-up version with minimal edits, thanks to https://chatgpt.com/g/g-6781a6dec0a48191aaec9b8b243930c6-transcript-tuner/ :

The experience at The Root ceremony was wild and varied, with highs and lows!

Jess and several others had great results, including visions of dark past lives that they karmically cleared—basically by purging and performing ho’oponopono toward those they had wronged.

I thought it would be a good idea to take a double dose, but I just ended up with a tummy ache and was still incoherent during the first night’s closing ceremony (held around 7 a.m. the next morning).

Due to my incoherence, when my next-door mattress neighbor gave me a bell to ring during the closing ceremony, I couldn’t figure out how to ring it. For everyone else, it rang, but not for me! So confused! I looked inside and realized there wasn’t even a clapper inside it.

My other next-door mattress neighbor pointed toward my candle and said, “It’s to put out the candle.”

Ohhhh! So I extinguished the candle with the bell-shaped snuffer, getting molten wax on it in the process.

For some reason, I shook the snuffer again, dripping wax on the floor.

Due to my generally playful behavior, Jess (from across the room) thought I was mucking around and breaking the flow of the ceremony. She said, “Rob, stoppit!”

This hit me like an emotional spear, and I burst into gasping, sobbing tears.

The male facilitator said, “Jess, now, he’s incoherent,” and his wife, the co-facilitator, immediately came to my side to hold space for me.

Alaya comforted me, saying, “Just cry, you’re okay, let it out. Very good, yes, you’re okay, just cry it out,” and she held space beautifully.

Christof came over as well to hold space for me.

I said, “It will take me some time; you can continue,” but they were like, “No, we are all here for you. Take your time.”

And I cried even more, thinking, Omg, do I deserve such support?!

Alaya went over to Jess and explained what had happened from an energetic and emotional standpoint. Jess came over and apologized, saying she had no idea and was so sorry.

That was after the first ceremony, entitled “Death.”

The next night (the third night of the retreat), the ceremony was called “Rebirth.”

I consumed far less of the plant medicine—by my calculation, 1/48th of my previous night’s dosage.

I didn’t have any “visions” on either night, but I was relatively coherent on the rebirth morning—enough to do lots of happy, wild dancing…

During which I stubbed my left middle finger quite badly. It still hurts in the middle knuckle, but at least the bruising has subsided.

I lay down on my mattress until my dizziness wore off, carefully checked that it wasn’t broken, and then got back to dancing again—amidst cheers from the group (none of whom knew I had stubbed my finger).

Christof invited us to stop dancing and stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a circle. I was between Babak, the muscular doctor, and one of the co-facilitators (whose name I don’t recall at the moment, except that it was not Clayton).

Due to suddenly stopping dancing—after bruising the lights out of my finger—I felt myself passing out. I didn’t say anything, just started to sit down. Babak apparently caught me, but I was already unconscious.

I woke up maybe 10 seconds later with Christof crouched down. I might as well have been in deeeeeep sleep all night because I woke up so confused, saying, “What happened??” And then realizing, “Oh yeah, I passed out.”

They had me lie down on my mattress for safety.

I slept until breakfast, and many people checked in on me to see how I was doing. I basically felt loved by the group and humbled by my mind and body.

And those are the highlights of the retreat! Jess will definitely attend again at the next chance she gets. I’m 50/50. I definitely won’t try taking a double dose on the first night—or ever again!

20 Jan 2025, 06:03

Highlights of The Root ceremony

Based on text messages sent to Soness 8 February 2025

The experience at The Root ceremony was vary wild.

Oh, I mean, wild and varied with highs and lows!

Jess and several others got great results, including visions of dark past lives that they karmically cleared (basically by purging and performing ho’oponopono toward those they had wronged)

I thought it would be a good idea to take a double dose, but I just had a tummy ache and was still incoherent during the first night’s closing ceremony (held around 7am the next morning).

Due to my incoherence, when my next door mattress person gave me a bell to ring during the closing ceremony, I couldn’t figure out how to ring it.

For everyone else, it rang, but not for me!! So confused! I looked inside the bell, and found there wasn’t even a bell clapper inside it!

My other next door mattress person pointed toward my candle in front of me, “it’s to put out the candle”

Ohhhh! So i extinguished the candle with bell shaped candle snuffer, getting molten wax on it in the process.

Not sure why, but I shook the snuffer again which dripped wax on the floor.

Due to my generally playful behavior, Jess (from across the room) thought I was mucking around (and breaking the flow of the ceremony).

She goes “Rob, stoppit!”

This hit me like an emotional spear and burst me into gasping sobbing tears.

Christof, the male facilitator said “Jess, now, he’s incoherent” and his wife + co-facilitator Alaya immediately came to my side to hold space for me.

Alaya comforted me like “just cry, you’re okay, let it out, very good yes you’re okay, just cry it out” and held space beautifully for me.

Christof came over as well to hold space for me.

I said, “it will take me some time; you can continue,” but they were like, “no; we are all here for you, take your time”

And I cried even more, thinking omg do I deserve such support??!

Alaya went over to Jess and explained what had happened from an energetic and emotional standpoint. Jess came over and apologized to me, saying she had no idea and was so sorry etc.

In that moment, was still barely coherent so could hardly even look at her, much less “accept” her apology.

That was after the first ceremony, entitled “death”

The next night (the third night of the retreat), the ceremony was entitled “rebirth”

I consumed far less of the plant medicine (by my calculation, 1/48th of my previous night dosage).

I didn’t have any “visions” on either night, but I was relatively coherent on the rebirth morning. Enough to do lots of happy wild dancing….
during which I stubbed my left middle finger quite badly (enough that it still hurts in the middle knuckle, but at least the bruising has subsided.)

I lay down on my mattress until my finger-stubbing dizziness wore off, carefully checked that it wasn’t broken, and then got back to dancing again amidst cheers from the group (none of whom knew I stubbed my finger).

Christof invited us to stop dancing and stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a circle. I was between Babak the muscular doctor and one of the co-facilitators (whose name I don’t recall at the moment except it was not Clayton).

Due to suddenly stopping dancing (after bruising the lights out of my finger) I could feel myself passing out; I didn’t say anything but just started to sit down. Babak apparently caught me, but I was already unconscious.

I woke up maybe 10 seconds later with Christof crouched down beside me. I might as well have been in deeeeeep sleep all night because I woke up so confused saying “what happened??” And then realizing “oh yeah I passed out”

They had me lay down on my mattress for safety.

I slept until breakfast and many people checked in on me to see how I was doing. I basically felt loved by the group and humbled by my mind+body.

And those are highlights of the retreat!

Jess will definitely attend again at the next chance she can with them. I’m like 50/50. I definitely won’t try to take a double dose on the first night (or ever again)!

16 Jan 2025, 21:33

group dinner

Great yummy meal with the floor team: Rob, David, Tamsyn, Jess, Mia, Janene, John, and Lizette

I had the recommended Trail Road Salad, which was definitely great

16 Jan 2025, 09:30

Before January retreat

Delicious fruit buffet breakfast today then went to Kirra Beach for some sandy fun (see previous entry!)

Jess and I are chilling in Rydges Gold Coast Hotel foyer after packing our stuff and checking out.

We have about an hour and 15 minutes before our ride is scheduled to pick us up along with another two attendees from out of town.

Today, each retreat attendee will have a private consultation with the facilitators to prepare for the ceremonies tomorrow and the next day (Friday and Saturday).

My current intentions for the retreat are something like “know who I am at a soul level” and “increase my connection with my positive spirit guides.”

I’ve tuned into some other intentions like “finish my first book by April 2025” and “finish Marble Track 3 once I get back to Japan.”

16 Jan 2025, 09:28

Second day at Kirra beach

Welcome to Kirra beach! 🏖️

2025 jan 16 beach glow 1000

Jess meditating

2025 jan 16 beach perspective 1000

Happily buried myself deeply enough it was hard to get out 😂

2025 jan 16 half man half monkey 1000

Thank you Kirra for your lovely sandy beach!

16 Jan 2025, 07:24

Kirra beach little sandy balls

We saw loads of little balls of sand on Kirra Beach near Gold Coast Airport

2025 jan 16 little sandy balls 1000 2025 jan 16 loads of little sandy balls 1000

16 Jan 2025, 06:07

dinner photo

2025 jan 17 group dinner before retreat 1000

14 Jan 2025, 06:08

Arrived in Cairns

I’ve arrived safely in Cairns; next flight is to Gold Coast in 3 hours.

The weather is definitely not winter ❄️ yayyyy!

Summer weather is such a welcome relief 😺

2025 jan 14 cairns weather forecast 1000

Feeling very grateful for this chance to travel!

13 Jan 2025, 21:33

Wow Ryan is on the same flight

Curiously / Amazingly my ex boss Ryan was on the same flight to OZ!

We talked a little bit while waiting on the line for immigration.

It seems he’s doing well! 😃

13 Jan 2025, 08:00

just in case

Emergency contact

2025 jan 13 address and phone for rydges 1000