Jess and I will be running an event at The Pink Cow in mid June!
This is my first draft of the banner
I signed up for 30 days of Canva pro (so it can auto-remove background for me).. Plus it’s nice to have the brand items; I think I’ll likely keep it. Just about $100 per year.
Jess quickly gave feedback on the banner:
Hi Rob,
Nice attempt.
Here are my thoughts in making it better below:
1. Remove countries (not relevant)
2. The event title should be the same font, are you able to find a
different font that's similar to the Men's Circle banner you created?
3. You need to add
Date: Saturday 15th June 2024
Time: 5pm-6:30pm
Venue: The Pink Cow, Akasaka
4. Remove faded background lines
5. What does it look like if you make the font white?
I made all the changes, except I’ll keep the time in Japanese format: 17:00 - 18:30
I increased the opacity of the background so the white text is visible: