02 Aug 2021, 07:14

Todo Today

(written 07:14 Monday 02 August 2021 JST)

  1. ✓ Write to Emico
  2. ✓ DYD
  3. ✓ set up meeting with Mark
  4. ✓ eat
  5. SHS
  6. ✓ Allow C-return to add checkmarks to these items
  7. (✓ moved) Get a list of my journal URLs (to make sure they stay intact)
  8. (✓ moved) Remove content/journal/ submodule from barefoot_rob git repo
  9. (✓ moved) separately build journal repo with Hugo (for now)
  10. (✓ moved) BASH it into public output of new site
  11. (✓ moved) Check list of journal URLs (to make sure they stayed intact)
  12. ✓ Move these todos to my journal repo
  13. ✓ Talk to Mark
  14. ✓ Callan Rush
  15. ✓ Write SoML
  16. ✓ Meet Eli
  17. ✓ Talk to Emico
  18. ✓ Watch NETFLIX (2 hours)
  19. ✓ AB
  20. chakra meditation
  21. ✓ Talk to Missy (4 Aug 2021)
  22. maybe write blog entry for Inner Warrior
  23. (✓ moved) Ask Hugo guys about separate pagination for separate directories
  24. Create or lookup questionnaire questions
  25. Write email including invitation to go barefoot