Nice nice nice
Tonight I got my old journal code working under the same username as now runs my site.
As of now, my old journal setup may be seen at
Also as of now, the final few entries were written in markdown, so the code does not know how to display them.
I found which is up to date, but I am too tired now to figure out how to install it, much less use it.
04:09 Tuesday 20 July 2021 JST
Tired. Very happy Fred helped me with journal so much. 2 hours now must sleep before 7:30am meeting yay
09:14 Tuesday 20 July 2021 JST
I created several issues on the old journal code, mostly to fix the markdown.
I fixed a couple issues, including one I assigned to Fred and then realized I know how to fix it.
I just about think we can skip installation of a full Markdown parser and just do it with some Perl magic because I haven’t used that much markdown magic..
For the past 30 minutes I have been trying to get the above changes since this morning to be applied to the other repo, which has the same file, but different repo history.
I tried git format-patch
(oh that reminds me of another markdown
thing I need to do for backticks..)
But when I try to apply the patch to the other repo, it keeps saying
[canyonville]$ git am 0001-what.patch
Applying: what
error: 2021/07/ does not exist in index
Patch failed at 0001 what
Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch
When you have resolved this problem, run "git am --continue".
If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git am --skip" instead.
To restore the original branch and stop patching, run "git am --abort".
As best I can tell,
DOES exist in index.
09:51 Tuesday 20 July 2021 JST
Just for completeness, here are the steps, starting from my local machine:
$ ssh bfr
Welcome to Canyonville, etc
$ cd ~/barefoot_rob/content/journal
$ git pull
$ gitl
* 8b04cf52 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) And
* 877c1e04 what
* ce324b1c was
* 8ae8e863 her
* 328e21d5 response?
$ cd ~/
$ git --git-dir=../../barefoot_rob/content/journal/.git format-patch -n ce324b1c
$ cat *.patch | git am --directory journal