01 Jul 2021, 19:49

State of My Life Address

(written 19:49 Thursday 01 July 2021 JST)

  1. It’s been raining harder in Tokyo the past couple of days than I have seen before in non-typhoon conditions.
  2. I helped Lin pull weeds in her garden a few times in the past weeks
  3. Today I finished Day 5 of the crown-to-root chakra course by https://www.spiritmysteries.com/
  4. Today I finished my homework for day 19 of 94 in the root-to-crown chakra course by Emico. https://www.meetup.com/conscious-community-japan/events/278059445/
  5. Yesterday I bought https://www.weeklyalignments.com/ and pointed it to my /weekly-alignments page on this site.
  6. Yesterday Mark and I met for some hours in Miyashita Park; that prompted me to buy the domain and focus on it.
  7. I did the homework for that by recording two podcasts, though I have not yet cleaned them up. Gratitude stories while eating scrambled eggs (with my fingers) and (a couple) things that do and do not make sense to me
  8. Lin and I were planning to go to Fuji-Q Highland on Sunday, but Fujiyama is closed for construction (of the new Fujiyama Slider and Fujiyama Walker(!)) We plan to go after rainy season, and invite Mikarin and Rie.
  9. Lin and I have been enjoying the currency of Kisses I made, though the bank has been running out of Kisses. Oh that reminds me..
  10. (20:10pm) I just reminded Lin the Kisses economy is designed to encourage us to do more kissing. She kissed Jennie instead and paid 80 Kisses to eat after 8pm.
  11. I’m going to continue working through Wealth Through Workshops by Callan Rush.
  12. (7:49am 2 July) I started DYD (Design Your Day) meetings one year ago today! S, who has joined since then, did not join today. C, who started 26 June, was on the call, but without electricity in his home.
  13. BLB meetings are on pause until I reboot them, but I will soon have a year worth of content for them.
  14. Lin and I have been making plans for our ten year anniversary. Congratulations to us!
  15. (10:30am) Visit https://weeklyalignments.com if you’d like to join the live show with Barefoot Rob.