19 Jun 2021, 08:59

script request to make photo names human readable

Hey Fred, can you make a Perl or BASH script for this?

User story:

  1. Be me.
  2. Take photos with (phone) camera.
  3. They magically go up to photos.google.com
  4. Visit photos.google.com and checkbox the ones I want in a zip file
  5. Download zipfile photos.zip
  6. Rename zipfile to 2021_jun_21_my_cool_topic.zip
  7. unzip zipfile
  8. Photos magically end up in 2021_jun_21_my_cool_topic/
  9. Photos still have stupid filenames.
  10. Rename photos to 2021_jun_21_my_cool_topic_variant_foo.jpg

Can you create a script that helps with steps 6-10, given the following inputs?

Human inputs:

  1. location of photos.zip
  2. value of $my_cool_topic

Computer inputs:

  1. unique filenames inside zip.

Script pseudocode:

$TODAY = YYYY_mmm_dd format of today’s date

Look for 4 digits at beginning of $my_cool_topic

If 4 digits are NOT there, prepend $TODAY to $my_cool_topic (comment) Now $my_cool_topic has a date prepended either by human at script starttime or by script during runtime

Rename photos.zip to $my_cool_topic.zip

Unzip $my_cool_topic.zip into $my_cool_topic/

visit $my_cool_topic/

prepend each filename with $my_cool_topic