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(written 08:22 Saturday 19 June 2021 JST)
I woke up at 3:30 for an hour then went back to bed with the intention of having experience in the astral plane. I didn’t feel as large vibrations as I ever have before, but I felt some vibrations and visualize myself looking into the bathroom mirror trying to imagine the cold sink in front of me and really feel the experience of being in front of the mirror, but I seemed to stay in my body.
At some point, I thought I was in front of a mirror and looking into it and began to see white light growing. I suspected I might be opening my physical eyes a bit and letting in light in the physical, but I am not sure.
At some points I recognized I was lucid dreaming and I enjoyed that as its own success. This is also the first time that I remember hearing myself snoring and the sound was incorporated into my lucid dream.
I’m really happy to have found this community and know that I have been super close to being fully conscious in the astral. At some point while reading over this subreddit, I saw the idea I understand to be
During lucid dreaming, recognize your mind is generating the dream… and “deactivate”(?) the dream to find your perception clearly in the astral (without the veil of the dream blocking my perception.)