19 Jun 2021, 20:18

Day with Mikarin at Yomiuriland

It was sprinkling while I walked to Yomiuriland this morning, arriving right at 10:30 to meet Mikarin. Sprinkly rain continued until a couple hours later, and rain kept Bandit from running, but also kept the crowds away.

Essentially zero lines on any of the rides, and got to ride/do most everything available except the haunted house. She said it was too scary to have to walk through it.

We met Kona, Ryuta, Rio, and Sakura in a group at the Petracycles, and ended up riding Looping Coaster with them, and later rode Looping Starship with the boys as Sakura and Rio watched and took photos and videos.

Mikarin and I rode her favorite spinning rocking ride, and then I rode it with Kona, Ryuta, Rio, and Sakura while Mikarin watched. Kona and I shouted “Mikako!!” repeatedly when we could see her from the ride. She smiled, then laughed, then ignored us.

We headed to Shakey’s to meet Lin for buffet of pizza etc and now home, feeling very full.