A couple days ago I discovered a beginner guide (3 part video series) on how to easily experience astral projection. I plan to do it tomorrow morning.
After reading a lot of the messages, I realize I have some shared experiences… As a kid I used to stare up at bright lights and subsequently feel my body oscillating backwards as if I was rotating backwards into the floor. I thought it was just a neat experience and after some time it stopped happening (or I stopped staring up at lights because I had less unstructured time).
If I have been super active and excited while my body is hella tired, I immediately feel vibrations or buzzy in my body when I allow it to rest. I have always chalked it up to something physiological, but now I wonder.
I’m curious about lucid dreams being generated by my mind and “blocking” my view of the real astral world. I read something like that somewhere but now don’t see it. Oh wait, am I dreaming??