17 Jun 2021, 07:54

happy birthday Guennie

Hi Guennie!

I’ve been looking forward to celebrating your birthday on the correct day this year!

I walked across Japan (the short direction) for three weeks starting in April. https://www.robnugen.com/quests/ (scroll down a bit) I’ve been piecing together a book since then.

I’m beginning to find my voice in terms of building a professional practice of Confidential Listening.

This seems to have precipitated from a combination of factors, starting with Matt Khan’s book Whatever Arises, Love That, and most recently via a chakra cleanse and strengthening course I’m attending.

I semi-recently found an app called Slowly, which encourages e-pen-pals. Visit https://slowly.app of you’re interested. My id is XRPBV8 if you’d like to try mailing me there.

Someone on Slowly recently asked about my username and I told them the story about the Castle of Dreams and my website thunderrabbit.com. The wiki is still there, but apparently the script is no longer working to convert navigation tags into navigation.

Lin and I are approaching our ten year anniversary! It’s great to have a partner who helps me see myself more clearly. Men’s group MKP Japan has been invaluable for maintaining marriage sanity.

MKP Japan expect to start offering men’s groups in Japanese at some point.

After each weekly meeting, I have started to do one-on-one interviews asking men what value they’ve gotten out of the group.

I suspect these interviews will be great for encouraging men to heal themselves.

Love always, Rob