31 Mar 2021, 20:18

bought a Fuji X70

Bought a Fuji X70 (camera) with Mark today at Fujiya in Nakano.


I had never heard of the shop but apparently it’s a camera cult classic for used camera gear.

He found a Fuji X70 there for 44500 yen, with just some minor scrapes.

This was after coming across a Fuji X70 for 56000 yen at MapCamera in Shinjuku. The higher priced one was quite dinged up, so the less expensive one was nearly a no-brainer.

We had started looking for a Ricoh GR2, but chose the Fuji X70 did its movable screen.

With the 12000 yen Mark saved me by knowing where to go, I bought us curry at Milan. Great food and conversation!