This entry assumes you use Dreamhost shared hosting (Ubuntu), and are
comfortable with git
, command line, and maybe other stuff.
My goal with all this is to allow myself to post from my phone directly to my Hugo-powered static website. I recently found Micropub gets me a long way toward that goal.
I was able to get something posted via Aaron Parecki’s Micropub client Quill notes, but I could not get the editor to work; it is apparently not sending the token, which is pretty surprising.
I wanted to have a copy of the Quill code running on my own server so I could see what was (not) happening.
I set up a new Dreamhost user for the website
In addition to the instructions above, I had to set the Web
Directory to
I cloned and used my clone, in the instructions below.
On my Dreamhost server:
$ cd ~ $ git clone
I set up the config file and ready to go!
Oh no, not ready to go.
preg_replace_callback(): Allocation of JIT memory failed, PCRE JIT will be disabled.
This is likely caused by security restrictions. Either grant PHP permission to
allocate executable memory, or set pcre.jit=0
I am on shared hosting, so cannot likely grant PHP permission to allocate exexutable memory.
I determined which version of php file to edit with php -v
PHP 7.2.30 (cli) (built: Apr 24 2020 01:29:53) ( NTS )
I can set pcre.jit to 0 by editing ~/.php/7.2/phprc
. Just need to add the
last line:
cat `~/.php/7.2/phprc`
; {{{ The following lines were automatically added by DreamHost
; }}} That's all from DreamHost
; {{{ Rob adding pcre.jit=0 to get Quill running. Thanks to
Then I had to create the table manually by sending the contents of the Quill schema file to mysql
As of this writing
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`authorization_endpoint` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`token_endpoint` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`micropub_endpoint` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`micropub_media_endpoint` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`micropub_access_token` text,
`micropub_scope` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`micropub_response` text,
`micropub_slug_field` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'mp-slug',
`micropub_syndicate_field` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'mp-syndicate-to',
`micropub_success` tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0',
`date_created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`last_login` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`last_micropub_response` text,
`last_micropub_response_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`location_enabled` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`syndication_targets` text,
`channels` text,
`twitter_access_token` text,
`twitter_token_secret` text,
`twitter_username` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`email_username` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`default_timezone` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`supported_post_types` longtext,
`supported_visibility` longtext,
And it works!
Well, it’s posting both notes and articles. Now I just have to get my copy of micropub to parse them the way I want.
19:39 Monday 29 June 2020 JST
Been working pretty much all day on it, and beginning to get hold of how to put the files where I want them to be.