30 May 2020, 16:24

Today so far

After walking in the morning I had a BLB men’s group meeting and then went to 町田 to meet Sanae for Japanese lesson with KUMON.

It took nearly an hour to correct all my mistakes in part B, and I passed the part C pages to her and passed the part C test pretty easily.

THEN, instead of saying bye to each other, Sanae and I went to Shin Yurigaoka station together and then walked to the mysterious yellow chain that I found the other day.

I invited Mai-chan to join us but she was busy.

After looking at the chain, Sanae and I walked back to Shin Yurigaoka station where we said bye and then I got my bicycle and rode to the bike shop to fix the cable for my front gear shift. While he fixed it, I went to study my KUMON Japanese pages at AEON.

New kanji today: 公 工 動 物 園  etc