This is my first second official journal entry
for my walk to Niigata. I have tagged it “niigata walk” and plan to
have Hugo look for that tag when putting together a blog, possibly at
/quests/walk-to-niigata/ which currently
has a copy (hardlink on my local machine) to this file.
I will almost certainly end up with a shorter domain pointing at the entries, and I want to use the same workflow as I do now for journal entries.
Anyway, I have started mapping a possible route, and talking with my men’s circle about logistics.
Men, do any of you know electronics? I am looking to make or buy
a charger setup that can harness solar / wind / walk / slow
rotating energy as I walk to Niigata.
I found this
I found this backpack with a solar panel for sale on a
Japanese website.
I think for this you need to first calculate how many Watt hours
do you need and the voltage of the appliances and what's your
optimal discharge time then you can go from there. If your goal is
to have electricity whereever you go, then a couple of powerbanks
with fast charging would be ur best bet in my opinion but if your
goal is to build a system then you'd need to do more calculations
Hey Rob, you asked for help and help you get... It may just not be
very helpful.. Seems like you find something similar re portable
chargers, but here's one that comes recommended from use on the
3000km+ trail that covers the length of New Zealand - Te Araroa.
Older sites recommended not using solar in NZ cos it's always
cloudy haha but seems tech has adapted and here's the winner
I found it on this website and it discusses the Te Araroa trail, in case you're needing a longer trail to dream about as well
I mentioned that I want to pull a wagon.
Pulling a wagon, epic! A man from a circle in Wellington I know
pulled a wagon from Mongolia to Beijing,
Bren, relaying some crowdsourced ideas of cool places to go:
Aizu,, Mashiko, Eichigo Uzawa
09:28 Tuesday 19 May 2020 JST
I considered incorporating this route, but it is longer and apparently higher..