15 Apr 2020, 15:33

covid lockdown days

Today is a typical day for me in this new COVID-19 paradigm.

  • attended online meeting
  • studied Japanese
  • organized some workshops on FB
  • yelled at my computer when I could not create the same workshop on Meetup
  • took a nap
  • about to do some online lessons
  • will attend another online workshop
  • prepare for tomorrow
  1. The online meeting was the first of seven Time for Tribe meetings featuring Bill Kauth (co-founder of Mankind Project) and his wife Zoe Alowan (who I don’t know per se). The session was reasonable, but I felt overwhelmed by the number of people on the call, and sad when I realized we were not ourselves creating a community/tribe/circle. It was much more like a lecture in which Bill and Zoe quickly explained the value and concept behind creating a tribe.
  2. I studied Japanese by filling in KUMON worksheet pages and doing a little bit of DuoLingo. I am nearly done with the first 200 KUMON pages. They have a nice repetitive learning curve, gently adding concepts as I go.
  3. I checked in (late) for Hiro’s online birthday thing and he asked me the story about Francois, so I told them how he got his name on PB. That story led to the idea of sharing stories, so we created (on Facebook) Life Changing Life Adventure Storytime Night. Rin and I will be the first two people to share stories, and I look forward to other people sharing life changing stories. Let us know if you would like to share a story at an upcoming event! (so far: Saturday April 25th, Friday May 1st, Friday May 8th).
  4. I tried creating the same event on Meetup, but got a Javascript error each time.
  5. This past Monday at the New Fun Adventure circle, I made the stretch to get myself off my computer. One man recommended I specify what life values I would be enhancing by getting off my computer. Grounding, Connecting, Self Care.
  6. The lessons were fine. 3 of 4 lessons have moved online.
17:09 Thursday 16 April 2020 JST

written to Tora:

All my business English classes have been paused / canceled though we offered to run them online.

Three of my four non-business classes have moved online (after a gap last week so everyone could get sorted on Zoom)

Lin is working in her room with her company policy of “you must get approval before you come in.”  Due to the crisis, she was able to drive her car (instead of take the train) to see a client, so she was happy about that.

I have been leading lots of workshops online, and been to study Japanese with a bit more earnest. Transcribing my Japanese to my journal ultimately slowed me down more than helped because I never reviewed it and it just takes a while to transcribe stuff. Maybe I will transcribe some anyway; my journal has gotten very little attention recently.

I have also been specifically stepping away from all tech for 2 hours per day because of the headache I get otherwise. I still get headaches, but the siestas help.