This is the beginning of day four of the 9 day Basic Facilitator Training for ShadowWork.
I cried a bit this morning as I was waking up, thinking about how much shame I have loaded onto myself for so many years. Also tears for how I have hurt people in the past. In my imagination, I wondered about recording the work I do this week. The first questions out of the way (checking for physical limitations or concerns about the environment), I will be asked what I want to have happen here today. I plan to say I want to stop (mentally) sexualizing every (most) relationship(s) I have with women. This behavior does not serve me, and apparently stems from not loving myself enough.
I texted Mark, Christine, and Demi about bringing this work to Tokyo. I should text Rin, Hiro, and Soness as well.
Sonessy! The training here has been great beyond my expectations.
I think this type of work will be better suited in Japan than the
Mankind Project work I have been doing.
I want to bring some trainers into Japan to lead a ShadowWork weekend.
Both men and women can do the work together, so I believe it will be
easier to find enough people who'd be interested in attending.
I am not yet half way through this training, but I am already thinking
about how I can do the second training and subsequent trainings.