07 Dec 2018, 22:12
22:12 Friday 07 December 2018 JST
- Marble Track 3 has its own domain, https://www.marbletrack3.com/
hosted as a static site on Netlify
- ConSwi is open source under GNU copyleft. Several outstanding issues,
the biggest of which are
#25 disallow dragged pieces to go through other pieces
#23 Make piece keep up with mouse when dragging
- I created a
Patreon page for MT3 and
have my first patron, Jimmy!
- I recently got the fans and battery replaced on my MacBook, but it
still conks out when the battery is at 65%. I let it run all the
way down to 0 after charging all the way, and did cmd-shift-p-r on
- I have not been writing journal entries very consistently recently
- Working on AB, trying to get the code base for both sites up to
snuff with MLAPHP
- Working on TY, trying to get the new students up to speed
- Marble Track 3 has six (6) different supports for the outer spiral,
and they each have webpages on the website, with shortlinks so I can
refer to them easily enough https://www.marbletrack3.com/p/1poss -
https://www.marbletrack3.com/p/6poss The /p/ stands for “parts” as
in “parts of the track” and Nposs stands for the Nth Placed Outer
Spiral Support.
- C and E have their wedding party soon (this coming Thursday)
- Lin and I had a date tonight, eating ramen at a local cheap ramen
shop. They deal with money by having a vending machine that
dispenses colored plastic cards which tell what we ordered. The
cards are as thick as poker chips, but round-rectangular
- Jennie is our cat. She goes in and out through her cat door on the
2nd floor, which leads to the balcony and her little cat stair-bench
to the roof, to the tree, to the ground (and back).
- The Marble Track 3 site is on version 2 now, which focuses on the
characters making the site instead of on me making the site. I
think it is more interesting this way, but it still needs a tweak
before I am like “yep”. The top page isn’t right yet.. Currently
shows my inspiration for starting the project, but should show
their inspiration (or something), but I do not yet know what that
- Lucifer is in its 3rd season, so I have started watching it on Netflix, so far
not bingeing.
- I plan to binge the hell out of Rick and Morty seasons 3 - 99 when
they are available.
- My primary non-static web provider said my wiki dedicated to Castle
of Dreams was using too much memory. I need to convert it to a
static site and let people edit it via git. Fack when will I ever
make time for that?
- Been talking to Dora about getting business started. She introduced
me to Dan Peña’s site and it’s like damn.
- Speaking of castles, how is it that we live like royalty did back in the
day, but compared to back in the day, we still are like slaves?