24 Dec 2016, 17:03

hot foot bath

We ate ramen then ice cream.

francois lunch ice cream

17:03 Saturday 24 December 2016 JST

Now we are headed to a hot foot bath, which I guess is 足温 泉足おんせん in Japanese. Oops it’s 足湯うあしゆう

Good for me since I’m barefoot, and it’s about 3C outside.

18:02 Saturday 24 December 2016 JST

mmmmm that was nice. Also nice to talk to some of the locals. I dropped the anger that usually comes up when people tell me how “good” my Japanese is, and just talked to them the best I could. They asked which country I was from, then about Trump, then how long we had been in Niigata. “Two days” gained us “welcome to Niigata” in reply.

hot foot bath hot foot bath hot foot bath hot foot bath hot foot bath hot foot bath