06:08 Friday 18 December 2015 JST
Fred came to Japan and I helped him unload his car while teling him about the things I had been thinking about which included how to make some computer programs, or wondering how to make some computer programs to do some type of calculations. Like how to write news article titles based on news articles; we'd have a function `title.txt()` for the article thatwould calculate the article
We went into the house and Fred realized that he had left his car unlocked and I was like, "I'll go lock it, and then he realized he can just beep it from here because it was not too far outide the bedroom winodw. He locked it, and it unlocked. Oh he had locked it, so he beeped it again and locked it.
Then he unlocked it and said watch. If I don't come with proxxximity of the car, it will relock itself. It took a while and I started to get sleepy so I got, just relock it I'm falling asleep, but I get the idea.
At this piont I kinda woke up because I realized I was dreaming.
In a vaguey lucid state, there were some tough guys in front of the conveni when we went to go inside, but I wasn't worried because I knew it was a dream, and one of them dropped their cell phone as the other handed it to him and I saw a cell phone commercial on the billbord and they graphically showed the guys of the phone being swapped for a different body, and I was like, "ah; I want that" so I kept watching until the brand / maker was displayed and then they showed it being used inside a shoe a la Get Smart, and a guy used the shoe phone and sudently got a phone call from the Get Smart actor who said he called because he was excited to promote the in-shoe phone technology.
I wondered how long he'd be calling people and wouldn't the converaations get pretty boring so I better think of something intersting to say when he called me after I bougth the phone.