16 Dec 2015, 16:23

Reason 8,149 to hate apple

16:23 Wednesday 16 December 2015 JST

OKay so I have a lot of audio files in XCode for the project we’re making. They are recordings of words for pronunciation practice.

I needed to add some more files for “similar words,” two of which ended up being the same words as the original words.

XCode lets me drag files in from Finder and index them into the project. So I dragged in 120 files andddd I get an amazing error message like, “one or more errors occurred while importing files”

Okay, so the files weren’t imported. I’ll just import the correct ones, right? Wrong!!

Though the files were not index, they were spammed into the directory of the project, and XCode doesn’t know about them! They’re not visible in XCode so imagine the joy of dragging in a file that doesn’t exist in XCode but does exist in the underlying directory!

This has been a problem for years and still isn’t fixed. Emacs can deal with it; Sublime can deal with it; Netbeans can deal with it.. and those are just the ones I know because I’ve used them! Why can’t Apple’s own product deal with Apple’s own file system?