Walking Meditation in Rinko Park in Yokohama

9am Friday 16 April 2021

Rinko Park in Yokohama (arial view by Tsuyoshi https://www.dronestagr.am/rinko-park-yokohama-kanagawa-japan/)

Refresh your spirit. Touch the earth. Connect with nature.

Walking Meditation Experience:

Meditation, walking, breathing, enjoying crisp air.


9am Friday 16 April 2021


Rinko Park in Yokohama


Let’s enjoy a morning walking meditation in Rinko Park! This will be a chance to feel grounded and connected to the ocean.

This will be the first “official” Walking Meditation event during Barefoot Rob’s walk across Japan.

Enjoy meditative motion, sea breeze, and hopefully sunshine.


After the meditation, I plan to walk barefoot ~20km from Rinko Park in Yokohama to my house in Kawasaki. Join me for any or all of the walk!

Google shows it will take less than 5 hours to walk, so we can probably easily do it with just 1 or 2 breaks for snacks / lunch.

(image credit https://www.dronestagr.am/rinko-park-yokohama-kanagawa-japan/)