After my phone died, I was already pretty close to Sky Terme Shibukawa so was able to walk sans phone from Bando Bashi to Sky Terme Shibukawa with the help of locals pointing the way.
As of yesterday, Lin planned to meet me at Sky Terme Shibukawa (super sento (public bath)). She did that, but then drove me to the hotel because my phone died and I wanted to get it resolved as quickly as possible. Phone shop is closed until tomorrow (and booked until May), but we will try to get in tomorrow and get a replacement handset.
Anyway, about today, the sento was nice, not huge, but has a great view, being 5 stories above green fields. Nice open air deck.
Day Nine Summary
- Day Nine (Saturday April 24th *) Part 1:
Walk 4km, From Hotel Ruruka To Luna Park (148km walked so far)
Pass by:
- Day Nine (Saturday April 24th *) Part 2:
Walk 10km, From Luna Park To Sky Terme Shibukawa (super public bath) (158km walked so far)
- Day Nine (Saturday April 24th *) Part 3:
DROVE 3km, From Sky Terme Shibukawa To Hotel Tatsumi (161km walked so far)